Frequently asked questions on Payments, Delivery & Returns

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What payment methods do you accept?

We only accept payment via PayNow currently.

For payment, please paynow to UEN: T21LL1703L and specify your Order Number in the reference field.

How do I know whether my order is confirmed?

Please note your order will not be confirmed until payment is made.

Once payment is made, please send us a copy of the payment screenshot (with order number reference) via urbanshrimps@gmail.com or whatsapp 98859376 to confirm your order.

Do you ship internationally?

We only deliver locally in Singapore at the moment.

For international delivery, please contact us separately to enquire.

How much does shipping cost?

We deliver islandwide excluding Sentosa, Tuas, Jurong Island, Jurong Shipyard, Jurong Port and other restricted areas where applicable.

The following delivery charges apply:

  • Seller's Own Fleet: $10 delivery fee (applicable for combined livestock/products order)
  • Local Courier: $5 delivery fee (applicable for products only)
  • Same-Day Delivery: $10 delivery fee (applicable for group buy only)

In the event of failed delivery attempt, re-delivery fees will be imposed.

To enjoy free shipping, spend a minimum of $100 ($200 for group buy) in a single order.

How long does shipping take?

We will contact you to confirm the delivery schedule. You will also be notified when the order has been dispatched.

For all products and livestock (except group buy)

Estimated delivery time is 3 to 5 working days after order confirmation.

For group buy

Delivery will be made on the same-day evening as the indicated collection date.

I received a defective product, what should I do?

Please refer to our Refunds policy here.

My livestock purchase arrived dead in the bag, what should I do?

All livestocks are packed an hour prior to collection from our delivery personnel, and dispatched immediately.

In the unfortunate event of Death on Arrival (DOA), please send clear photo or video of the unopened bag by email within the same day of purchase. Buyer will be offered a replacement of similar value at the shop (delivery fees apply should you prefer to have it delivered).

However, if there are already additional livestocks packed in the order, there will not be any replacement on the deaths of any additional livestocks as the remaining additional livestocks will still make up the quantity that you have ordered.

I have other questions that are not listed here, how do I contact you?

You may get in touch with us via the following methods:

  • Click here for the contact form
  • Email urbanshrimps@gmail.com
  • Whatsapp +65 9885 9376
  • Social Media (Facebook / Instagram)